Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Societal Trends

This is the turning of a new leaf. Erin Leavitt is starting a blog ladies and gentlemen. Not by choice, but for an assignment for my family relations class. I will be posting the thoughts that I have on the material we learn each week in class. The first weeks discussion is about societal trends. Here we go. Social trends. What are they? I went to a crazy paint fight dance party deal a couple weeks ago and as I kind of took a moment to take a step back and actually observe what I was doing I could not help but laugh. Was I really squeezing myself into a sea of people I did not know, fist pumping and dancing away while there was paint flying every which way through the air? This was acceptable right? What would people from a hundred years ago think if they got a caught a glimpse of what was socially acceptable now. Can you imagine their faces?! They would fall off their horse and buggy in awe! Whats the fun in being a social norm though? Honestly normal people are boring. "Hey lets go on a date. We can go out to dinner, get some froyo, and then go back to my apartment so we can watch a movie and cuddle!" BORING. I've never heard anyone say, "remember that insanely awesome time that we watched a movie together?!" That has never been said. Living outside the social norm can be very fun and makes for some great memories. When my friends and I are bored and want to make friends we like to drive around and yell at runners on the side of the road, "hey do you need a ride?! you look like you're in a hurry!." We think we are funny. Sometimes in church I like to lean forward and scratch the back of the person of thats in front of me. Most of the time its a complete stranger, but I have made a lot of friends this way! Is it socially acceptable though? Probably not. My bad. As a kid I was always so worried about being weird or different. I was a shy young chap. I would shove my lunch box into my backpack instead of carrying it around cause I did not want people to think I was dumb for not getting hot lunch. How lame, right? I was a wee bit insecure. What a horrible way to live! Thankfully I think I have slowly grown out of that and I have learned not to give a rats about what people think. Live freely people. -Erin.