Monday, April 8, 2013


Fathers represent the real world to their children, placing them in a broader social context. It is primarily to their fathers that children look for guidance regarding how to behave in the world beyond their home. Fathers are more often associated with behaviors which challenge their children and stimulate them, where mothers primarily guide and comfort them. One set of behaviors is not superior to the other. Indeed, they complement one another.


Nowadays there is a tendency today to speak of 'parents' or 'carers' rather than 'mothers' or 'fathers'. People often say that the most important thing in raising children is to give them lots of love, something that all parents can do, regardless of whether they are a mother or a father. However, there are also many ways that mothers and fathers can bring unique strengths to their relationships with their children. Children are happier with their family situation if their parents are happy.


Communication is not the mere verbal exchange of information in the families. It is the expression of respect, affection and concern. Communication doesn't refers to the verbal alone in the family, but physical expressions, gestures and even an affectionate look can be communicative in the family. Communication within the family is extremely important because it enables members to express their needs, wants, and concerns to each other. Open and honest communication creates an atmosphere that allows family members to express their differences as well as love and admiration for one another. It is through communication that family members are able to resolve the unavoidable problems that arise in all families.Just as effective communication is almost always found in strong, healthy families, poor communication is usually found in unhealthy family relationships. Families can improve their communication skills by following some suggestions for building effective family communication: communicating frequently, speaking clearly and directly, and being an active listener. I have learned that listening is just as important as speaking when communicating within the family. If you are actively trying to communicate but the person on the other end of the conversation is not listening that is just as effective as having a conversation with a grapefruit.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Family Under Stress

Each family, couple, and single person will go through some form of stress in life. Trials are promised to every one of Heavenly Fathers' children. He is all knowing and the trials we experience will shape us into the people our Father in Heaven wants us to be. Although stress and tribulation can test the family greatly. At times it is hard to stay optimistic in the heart of a trial. Bitterness is often my main emotion in the middle of a hard trial. My family lost my amazing grandfather in February 2011 after losing a diligent fight against leukemia. Never have a felt such anguish over the loss of someone. It was not easy but because of it our family grew closer and learned to appreciate each member of our family more and more every day. I had to learn that God is all knowing and that he knows what he is doing. Our Father in Heaven cuts us down in order for us to grow. He is the gardener of the world.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Sexual Intimacy and Stuff

This post might be rather short because I think it is rather awkward. My favorite part about this weeks lesson is how embarrassing Brother Williams got while talking about this stuff. It was very funny and entertaining. This stuff is important to learn though, right? I guess. It was interesting to go more in depth about the whole intimate marriage situation. We are told our whole lives in young womens that those sexual things are a big sin. It was nice to learn that when you are married it is completely okay and that it is encouraged between a husband and wife. They talk about a deeper connection that occurs. I am excited to experience this deeper connection with my future husband. It really is a beautiful act of procreating life. In a relief society lesson a couple months back we were taught that Heavenly Father trusts his daughters to carry his precious cargo of life and that we should not violate this beautiful power for pleasure before marriage. It seems like a selfish act when it is put that way. It is a miracle really. It is crazy how Heavenly Father can make this happen.

Transitions to Marriage

Someone that was married in our class commented about how the first transitions into marriage are difficult. She talked about how they went from dating seriously but then getting a break from each other every night and going their separate ways for a couple hours. When you marry you are stuck with that person at all times. There are not many breaks and all of the little flaws that you can fix during your time apart are exposed. Typically in our religion we do not cohabit before we get married. We go from being told not to spend the night or too much alone time together to living with that person and being with them at all times within the matter of one day. I think it is important to be very understanding and open during the first transitions of marriage.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Preparing for Marriage

I think the whole "soul mate" epidemic is kind of silly. I have noticed that people are always searching for the next best thing in relationships. Can I find someone even better? Is he/she the absolute perfect match for me? I believe that any two worthy people that are in love and committed to their relationship can make it work. This does not mean that I think it is okay to settle with any Joe Shmoe that comes your way. Preparing to select a spouse includes a lot of pondering and praying to Heavenly Father.